Cheyenne - Female Bernese Mountain DogNewfoundland Mix

Thank you for stopping by to see me Please check below to see what upcoming adoption events I will be attending or apply here for a private meeting. If you have other questions about me you can email Underdog Rescue at < ----XX(at)---> Be sure to check your spam junk folder as sometimes our emails end up there Keep checking back for upcoming events I will be attending Cheyenne is new to our rescue. She was born on 6 3 16. More info to come Be sure to check your spam junk folder as sometimes our emails end up there ADOPTION EVENTS Please understand that all of our pets are in foster homes and sometimes life happens and the foster family cannot make it to their scheduled adoption event. If you are traveling from a far distance to meet a specific animal please email us to confirm attendance. ADOPTION PROCEDURE To fill out an online adoption application please visit our website -.-----X.- adoption-applications Note In most circumstances Underdog Rescue will only adopt within 60 miles of Minneapolis MN. All of our foster animals can be seen by appointment with an approved adoption application. Contact us at -----X or email us at ----XX(at)--- for more information. FOSTER CARE All of our animals are fostered in individual homes or doggie daycare facilities. While they are in our care they are part of our families and given lots of love. We work on training crate-training and socialization prior to adoption. Each animal s behavior is evaluated and we have a sense of its temperament and personality. We look for adopters who will give each animal the wonderful life and permanent home that he or she deserves. If you have an interest and ability to be a foster home please visit our website -.-----X.- foster-applications and fill out a foster application. NUTRITION Nutrition is vital to the rehabilitation and life-long health of our pets. All of our foster animals are fed a premium diet such as NutriSource Canidae Orijen Nature s Variety Fromm Pure Vita Stella and Chewy s Primal or balanced raw diet. All adopters are required to continue providing premium diets for the life of the animal. YOU CAN HELP Not able to foster or adopt right now Please consider sponsoring an Underdog. Your donation will help us buy dog food and pay for medical costs. Visit this link -.-----X.- donate to donate. (Please note A Paypal account is not necessary to use Paypal. When you get to the Paypal page just use the link to the left of their login to make your donation via Paypal without an account.) ... More Info



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