top belgian malinios - best bloodline in usa pups

The mother of these pups is the daughter of Ghost which is the best selected dog in belgium ring. He has won the most competitions in Belgium. Dad of pups is Boss who has all KNPV lines. Deposit - 500 non-refundable (can be put on another litter). groups 277422025724365 - wont find better blood line in the states This breeding throws some of the best Malinios for everything. excellent prey and defense drive. unbeleivable hunt dark and beautiful. I have dogs for working or family loving pets. Sire and Dam are both from imported bloodlines VERY STRONG They will need to go to working homes or homes who need protection and best friend Call 252 808-5205 BOSS breed Avisa-K9-49766 Nasha breed Of-Joli-Troucheaus-33725 Oceanveiw groups 277422025724365 wont find better blood line in the states



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