Piper - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type)Chow Chow Mix

Piper is a part of the Pipeline Pups as we affectionately call them. She and her litter mates were pulled from the woods near a pipeline and some very busy roads. They were part of a feral dog pack. Piper is now 6 mons. old. Piper was the girl who gave our volunteers so much anguish. She had been hit by a car and then escaped that night. The next day our volunteers went back out and found her hunkered down in a den deep inside the earth. The volunteers wound up literally digging her out and taking her to a vet that night. Now Piper is like a new girl She is strong and confident and has no problem holding her own while playing with her brothers. Piper will do best if she is in a home with other playful dogs. She will need the dog(s) to continue to help show her the way around humans. These dogs have become wonderful loyal dogs but require a lot of patience time and training. They are unlike most domesticated dogs... these pups require a bit more attention and need constant socialization. To apply to adopt this pet please fill out a Preliminary Adoption Application at -X ---X.- adoption-application . This application does not commit you to an adoption. It is used to screen those interested to make sure the home is a good match for the pet. We try to limit our adoptions to the metro Atlanta area. We are not opposed to out of state adoptions but require adopters to travel to Georgia to meet the pet if pre-approved. We require a home visit scheduled by us with a reputable rescue in the area you live. We verify vet history on current previous pets to ensure pets have been spayed neutered and vaccinated annually. Our adoption fee is 250 for all of our dogs. They have been given age-appropriate vaccinations are spayed neutered dewormed had Capstar and or Frontline applied heartworm tested and treated if necessary and micro-chipped (required registration is an additional fee of 10.99)... More Info



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