Peanut - Male Poodle (Standard)

Peanut was saved with his brother who is called Pooh they are bonded so we would love to place them together if possible If not it is OK for them to go separately. They were brought in to be euthanized although there is nothing wrong with either of them. The only excuse we can allow their owner is he could not cope which was evident from the state of them when we saved them as his wife is currently dying of terminal cancer. This was no reason to put them to sleep though so we stepped in They will be perfect in no time please help us and open your home for one or ideally two They are being sponsored by Country Inn Pet resort and Animal Hospital to stay there until they find a home preferred together as they are siblings from the same mom and dad. There are two years difference between them. the white one is Pooh he s a toy poodle NM 10 yrs old the other Apricot he is a toy poodle NM 12 yrs old. Very active senior dogs they don t know that they are seniors I guess they are just happy to still be alive if you are interested please email us with any questions or for a meet and greet - email us on - --XX(at)------XPeanut Poodle has been shared from Shelter Exchange.... More Info



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