Walter - Male Labrador RetrieverGreat Dane Mix

Please contact Sharon Goff (---X(at)---) for more information about this pet.Walter is located in a foster home in Arkansas. He was found abandoned in a small meadow on a country road along with his girl friend Sally. His rescuer first thought that Walter was an older dog because he is so laid back. After getting him to her home she discovered that he was a very young dog actually still a puppy - his estimated date of birth is 7-15-15. Walter is a lovable goofy boy still falling all over his own feet. He loves to play with his friend Sally whether it being stuffed animals balls or digging holes to stay cool. He is having to be an outside dog but gets to come onto the enclosed porch to a large crate when it is storming out. He enjoys his big crate where he can sprawl out and take a comfy nap. He gets to sniff the cats while on leash on his way to the porch and would love to play with them if he could. Walter would probably be good with children although there are no children in his foster home so this is just a guess. Walter is very very smart and it should not take long to housetrain him. He is in a home with a lot of other animals and his foster mom is very limited on the amount of time she can spend with each dog. Walter needs more work on his leash training and needs to be taught his basic commands and some good manners. Walter loves to please and he loves treats - a good combination for someone that has the time to work with Walter. Walter has been neutered and received all of his vaccinations including bordatella and rabies. He tested negative to heartworms and has been placed on heartworm preventative monthly and flea tick preventative. For more information on Walter please e-mail Sharon Goff at ---X(at)---... More Info



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