Lauren - Female Oriental Mix

Cat Rangers rescues kitty s that are facing eminent danger such as euthanization in a shelter or risk of abandonment. Every kitty we find a home for allows us save another For more information on CatRanger kitty s you can email us at ---(at)----XX or ---X(at)--- or call -----X. Our adoption center La Maison du Chat is located in Buford Ga.Our adoption fee s range from 125- 145 and include vaccines Felv FIV test and spay or neuter first month of food. La Maison du Chat is a home built just for our rescued kitty s with no cages. The adoption experience is a very pleasant personal experience like sitting in your own living room with our wonderful loving furkids and a cup of tea or coffee if desired. Our center is open from 12-6 on weekends and by appointment during the week. It is always best to call to let us know you would like to visit. Elegant LadyLauren and Bacall came to us a Georgia Animal Control and they ve been through a lot in their short lives they are not bonded but we re hoping to find them a loving home together. They are sweet and playful cats barely out of kittenhood. If you d like to meet Lauren and Bacall please email ---(at)----XX or call -----X.La Maison du Chat is located at 289 W Shadburn Ave in Historic Buford Ga. 30518 and our phone number is -----X. ... More Info



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