61425 Rosie - Female Chihuahua Mix

Look at Rosie smiling for her school pictures. She s a tan and brown 6-year old Chihuahua available for adoption. She is altered housetrained and up to date on immunizations. Rosie s mom had been sick for a long time and passed away. Rosie likes women - is not comfortable with men at all and is not good for a home with children. Rosie is very sweet but also must warm up to you - she will need a calm home with adults only. Rosie (RooRoo) is about 12 lbs and she is good with dogs and cats. ADOPTION FEES Dogs & Puppies..... 100.00. This Adoption fee includes mandatory spay neuter which will be done before you can take your dog or puppy home with you basic canine immunizations (DHPP-CPV & Bordatella Intranasal) de-wormings one-year rabies vaccination if old enough heartworm test if over five months old microchip from 24-Pet Watch certificate for free health examination at your participating veterinarian and a goodie bag chocked full of information toys and more. Yes there are sometimes exceptions to our normal fee for older dogs or special cases or adoptions of two dogs together. Some of our pets have also been lovingly sponsored by caring people and we will let the approved adopter know about that at the point of adoption. Visit our Website at -X -.----.-The staff would also like to remind you that for faster response to inquiries about adoptable animals to have the animals ID name & description.This way your questions will be answered in a timely manner. You can also expedite the adoption process by filling our Adoption Application which you can find at -X -.----.- HSEC_FORMS AdoptionApplication.pdf and sending to us either by scanning and emailing to --(at)----X or faxing to -----X.All pet adoption websites & our shelter management software require that we choose a primary and or secondary breed for our dogs. While our staff is quite breed knowledgeable in many cases we are truly making our best guesses as to their breed(s) based on many factors but cannot promise that what we have said is accurate. So taking into account your own parameters for things such as size coat care activity level etc please come and get to know our dog(s) as individuals to see if their personalities and yours are a forever match. Thank you Phone (334) ---X Fax (334) ---X E-mail --(at)----X ... More Info



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