Wilson - Male Boston Terrier

This cutie is Wilson. Wilson is estimated to be about 8 yrs He was found emaciated living in a FedEx terminal as a stray and has hair loss. Slowly but surely his hair ais growing back and his Boston Terrier love handles are coming back. Although he was a stray Wilson is heartworm negative and he has been fully vetted and is neutered. Wilson does well with other dogs in the foster home. He loves to sleep with his foster mom and likes to be completely under the covers but he is also crate trained for those who don t share the covers with their pups. Wilson has 2 speeds...sound asleep or crazy fun. He does get a little scared and timid at times but comes around quickly. Wilson is working on his potty etiquette and still occasionally marks but he s a work in progress. His foster mom says he is the sweeetest little man. Wilson s adoption fee is 250. Are you ready for a real snuggler If you are interested in any of our Boston Terriers or would like to be eligible to adopt a Boston Terrier through our rescue in the future please fill out an application. It can be found at -.----.-. Click on the Rescue tab and then on the Adopt Now tab. Here you will find our adoption requirements along with a link for an online adoption application. This will allow you to get on our list of approved homes so you can immediately adopt a Boston Terrier when it becomes available through Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas.We are always looking for good foster homes. These homes allow us to rescue more Boston Terriers in need because we have a place for them to go until they are adopted. Please consider becoming a foster home for Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas. You can fill out a foster application at -.----.-. Click on the Rescue tab and then on the Foster Program tab. Here you will find our requirements for becoming a foster parent along with a link for an online foster application. This will allow you to possibly become a foster home for one of our little Boston Terriers in need. Thank you for considering the possibility of fostering for Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas Any and all Donations are always needed and welcome. Because BTRNT is a 501(c) 3 all donations are tax deductible. If you wish to donate to Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas please go to -.----.- and click on the red Donate Now tab at the top left of the page. If you wish to donate dog food or any other item please mail to Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas



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