Free Guinea Pigs w/ cage, food, etc! - Price: 20.oo OBO

Hi my name is Noah. I currently oqn two female guinea pigs in need of a good home. They are strickly inside pets unless its the summer time. (Then they may be in a hutch.) They can also be in a fair because they are in great conditions and have great physicsal qualities. The two guinea pigs are an aunt-niece relationship. i strongly prefer that they stay as a pair because they have bonded quite strongly over the past year and a half. Their names are Cookie and Addison. Cookie is around 2.5 years old while Addison is around 1.5. Cookie is a Calico-American-Short Hair and Addison is a Calico-Abysinian. Each pig is up-to-date with all shots and vet appointments. Cookie had lice from the pet store when i purchased her and Addison had gotten them from Cookie when i recieved Addison from a family-friend. They both have a life-long shot so no lice .00 fleas etc can harm them every again. Each shot costed me 80.00 and I had a 70.00 bill just from the examination. so asking 20 OBO isnt a lot in my eyes. I also purchased a 2 FT wide by 6.5 FT wide cage. (Choroplast) . the cage is in awesome shape and costed me 120.00 with ta and shipping. Once again i do not see 20 as a unresonable price. All included 1 yrs worth of food one water bottle two food bowls two sets of fabric to corver bottom of cage the pigs themselves and the cage. The reason why i am wanting to git arid of my beloved pets are that I cannot find the time to care for them anymore. I am in a lot of sports and do not have the time to take care of them. Also i am moving and cannot have inside pets at my new house. Thank you for looking at my add ( Can meet halfway to commit the exchange. )



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