Tiffy - Female Beagle Mix

Online application hereMeet Tiffy Tiffy is a gorgeous 1 year old 25 pound tri-color beagle mix that lost her way and no one came to find her. We can not understand how her people did come to claim Tiffy despite postings as to her whereabouts at a rural NC shelter. PetConnect has come to her rescue and will be bringing her to the DC area this Saturday to find her new home that will adore her furever. Tiffy is a super sweet submissive and a bit shy girl she loves to go for walks (and walks well on a leash). She is a great size with an adorable very expressive face and eyes She adores people of all ages and loves to cuddle and get pets. As a young dog Tiffy will need some patience and training but she will make a wonderful family pet that is happy to join in the activities. Tiffy is submissive gets along well with other dogs and ignores the kitties. Tiffy would be a great companion to curl up in your lap to hang out on a cool fall evening. She is spayed up-to-date on vaccines and preventatives and eager to find a family to love The adoption fee for Tiffy is 295 which includes routine vetting vaccines and spay neuter. Please fill out an online application click here and contact Robin at ---XX(at)---XX if you would like more information on Tiffy Adoption procedures fees and applications may be viewed by clicking here.... More Info



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