Truffles - Female Labrador Retriever

TRUFFLES is a 2 1 2 yr old purebred Chocolate Lab female. She absolutelyloves people and other dogs. Prefers to be where ever the peopleare...inside outside...doesn t matter. The previous owners had 2 littlegrand-daughters who climbed over her like she was an oversized pillow andTruffles didn t move.She is currently 77 s but is on a diet to trim down and not be so chunky.Shedoes think cats to be interesting but backs down when her name is called. Iwatched one of my cats sit up on her back legs and slap Truffles on bothsidesof her face with both of her paws multiple times and Truffles just stoodtherekind of shocked...not hurt by any means but she was surprised the cat didthat. If I had could have video d that at that moment. She is cratetrainedbut it s not her favorite thing. She needs lots of room and lots ofexercise.She does have one bad habit...if you have a chain-link fence gate with thecommon flapper latch she knows how to flip the flap and get out. She issoooo smart.Truffles has been neutered heartworm tested Negative 2 DHPP vaccinations Bordetella vaccination Rabies vaccination dewormed several times and onTrifexis heartworm prevention and flea & tick protection.ADOPTION FEE 450. This includes all medical microchipping and alltransportation from Texas to Washington Oregon by our ground transport.She will be traveling from San Antonio Texas to the Washington area fordelivery on September 24th. The Application gives you a choice of 5locationsto pick him up if you pre-adopt.If you are interested in more information about her text me and I will sendyou more pictures and an application form. Please send me your name e-mail and the dog s name so that I can send you the requested information.(-----X)Terry WheelerPet Central SAT-X----X... More Info



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