iHop (deaf) - Male American Staffordshire TerrierVizsla Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website. Ihop was picked up as a stray by animal control in 2012. He was 15 weeks old at the time and had a badly injured leg which needed to be amputated. BullyPaws accepted him in the program and he has been with the same foster family since then. Ihop is also deaf but he is an intelligent boy and has learned hand signals for come sit and down. Ihop is Just about the happiest dog you will ever meet Friendly and outgoing Loves people and wants to meet everyone he encounters showers you with kisses Currently lives on a farm with horses donkeys turkeys cats geese and ducks as well as pigs and other dogs. Ihop gets along great with all the animals on the farm. His best friend in the world is a pig called Toby who also has special needs. The two love to run around the farm playing and just hanging out together Loves car rides and ATV rides Tires easily due to only having three legs but can run as fast as all the other dogs in the home Crate trained and housebroken On daily anti-seizure meds but otherwise very healthy Loves playing with toys especially balls Ihop is an absolutely adorable dog who loves being in the company of humans and other animals. We recommend Ihop to a home with older considerate children because of his size and exuberant energy. This delightful dog would love to have a family of his own. Please consider meeting this special guy. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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