Haus - Male Retriever (Unknown Type)Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

My name is Haus I am all black except for the splash of white on my chest and my little white toes. I loved being around all of my siblings playing with them was a blast But I m ready to find my own home now. I ve learned that going up the stairs can be fun but haven t quite figured out how to come down them. I ll figure it out though but in the mean time I just let my foster mom know that I need help. When it s time to eat I m always first in line I have to grow to be big and strong after all Haus is a 2 month old Retriever Shephard mix who is guessed to be large when full grown. Interested Please visit -X -.XX 1m78fU5 to complete our quick online adoption application from your computer or desktop (not a phone). A representative will email you within 24-hours. Please do not come in until you are pre-approved so we may schedule an appointment with you. Haus adoption fee is 275 & includes Neuter age-appropriate vaccines microchip deworming a wellness exam a fecal test & an offer of pet healthcare insurance for 30-days from adoption date. Thank you ... More Info



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