Roger - Male MalteseShih Tzu Mix

Roger is looking for a foster home in Minneapolis St. Paul. If you would like to foster him please visit -.-------X.- foster to complete our Foster Sign Up. Roger is an owner surrender located in Illinois. He is all of 5 lbs and very sweet. He loves attention exercise playing and exercise Roger is still working on potty training as his previous owner never worked with him on it. Patience is all he needs to be the perfect dog for you He would be great in a home with kids older than 10 yrs old because of his size. Roger is not so much of a lap dog as he is young with energy. He s very happy playing with other dogs we would suggest obedience training so he can learn more about what he has never been taught. Roger s adoption fee including MN state taxes is 429.10. He is available to adopt within a 50 mile radius of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis Saint Paul or Rockford IL (until he s transferred to Minneapolis.) Roger will not be in Minnesota until a foster home is found for him. If you d like to meet Roger please attend our Nice To Meet Tzu adoption events held the second Sunday of each month from 12-2pm at the Edina Chuck & Don s (private meet and greets are not available please check our Events calendar the day before to see if the dog you are interested in is attending.) To submit an adoption application please click here to fill out our online application. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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