Bailey - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type)Chow Chow Mix

Bailey is a very timid shy girl that needs a patient quiet home with other dogs. Bailey is a unique puppy because of where she has come from. She is part of the pack from Clayton County. Bailey is one of eleven pups that were pulled from the woods back in February of last year. These dogs have become wonderful loyal dogs but require a lot of patience time and training. They are unlike most domesticated dogs... these pups require a bit more attention and need constant socialization.Bailey is scared of quick movements especially by men. She has never been abused or mistreated she just may cower sometimes in fear because of her beginnings as part of a feral pack. She is afraid of traffic and cars but doesn t mind riding in the back seat of the car. Bailey walks on a leash but due to her timid nature doesn t always want to cooperate if there is too much going on around her.Bailey is an adorable girl who just needs some guidance to boost her confidence. She is very smart and learns very quickly. She knows how to sit. She would do best with other large dogs in her life. Bailey has grown up with cats older kids and other dogs and was born in January of 2015. No small dogs. To apply to adopt this pet please fill out a Preliminary Adoption Application at -X ---X.- adoption-application . This application does not commit you to an adoption. It is used to screen those interested to make sure the home is a good match for the pet. We try to limit our adoptions to the metro Atlanta area. We are not opposed to out of state adoptions but require adopters to travel to Georgia to meet the pet if pre-approved. We require a home visit scheduled by us with a reputable rescue in the area you live.We verify vet history on current previous pets to ensure pets have been spayed neutered and vaccinated annually. Our adoption fee is 250 for all of our dogs. They have been given age-appropriate vaccinations are spayed neutered dewormed had Capstar and or Frontline applied heartworm tested and treated if necessary and micro-chipped (required registration is an additional fee of 10.99)... More Info



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