Land for Sale with a 30 X 60 metal building located in East Tenn

Looking for a place to call home East Tennessee is where you are going to want to be. 5.44 acres of land with a 30 x 60 metal building. There are two building sites on the property. There is about over 300 feet of road frontage. Natural gas water and electricity are all available. Do you like to golf White Oaks Golf Course is just two miles down the road. Do you want to go to the lake - Watt Bars is fifteen minute up the road. Are you looking for some country living with all the extras of being close to the big city life. I-75 is just ten minutes away with Turkey Creek in Knoxville only 40 minutes away Hamilton place only 45 minutes. The metal building sits to the left of the property at the front. If you would like to see inside the building you will need to make an appointment but feel free to stop by and look at the land the address is 372 County Road 105 Athens TN 37303. Please call 334-717-0287 to make an appointment. Please no lease to own options only cash FHA or conventional loans. Realtors I will pay you 5 percent if you bring me a buyer.



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