Harley Quinn - Female American Pit Bull Terrier

Hi My name is Harley Quinn and I m looking for my furrever family I m about 10 months old so I m still a bit of the puppy mindset with an activity level to match. I live with my two older foster brothers and I play with them nonstop. I m really good with babies and children and I ve never met a stranger. I also get along well with cats and dogs. I ve learned a few tricks in the last few months. I don t mean to brag but I m pretty smart so I learn pretty quickly The perfect family for me would live in a house with a backyard and have another dog for me to play with since I have plenty of energy to spare My foster mom walks me almost every morning so that would be truly wonderful if my forever home would continue to keep me engaged in lots of activities. If you like beautiful smart loving dogs that are not shy about giving you kisses I might just be the perfect dog for you.For further information please email the address in the box to the right. Anyone interested in our dogs cats will be required to fill out an adoption application. We do not adopt to anyone living out of the Dallas Fort Worth area. All our dogs cats will be spayed neutered heart worm tested (dogs) FeLV FIV tested (cats) microchipped and current on vaccinations.We do not adopt on a first-come first-served basis. We review all applications received to ensure that the animal and the applicant are a good match based on our personal experiences with the animal. These animals live in our homes with us so we are familiar with their habits and behaviors.To fill out an application online or to find out more information about our adoption process just go to -.------X.- and click on the Adoption Application link.Dog Puppy Adoption Donation - 165 Cat Kitten Adoption Donation - 135Some of our adoptable cats can be seen at the Frisco Petsmart Adopt-A-Pet cat center 7 days a week. Adoption counselors are onsite every Saturday and Sunday from 12-4pm.Our next Meet and Greet dog event will be Saturday September 17th from 12-4pm at the Frisco Petsmart. The Frisco Petsmart is located at 3333 Preston Rd Frisco TX 75034 in the Stonebriar Centre near Tuesday Morning and DSW.... More Info



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