TITAN (video) - Male Great DaneMastiff Mix

Hi I m Titan. I am a 3-year-old neutered male Great Dane Mastiff mix. I weigh about 85 pounds. I m such a sweet and friendly guy you d never guess that I ve had a pretty rough life thus far. It s obvious my previous family didn t care for me at all. When they decided that I was no longer wanted they called Animal Control to come pick me up and take me to a high-kill city animal shelter. They couldn t even be bothered to take me there themselves I guess they had much more important things than their dog to worry about. When I showed up at the shelter I was literally skin and bones and I was basically blind. I had a massive cherry eye in my right eye and I couldn t see out of my other eye due to a cataract. In addition to all that I was also covered in fleas and itchy everywhere Can you believe that my previous family suffered no consequences for neglecting me the way they did It s unbelievable what some of us pups have to endure Anyway I spent a month at the shelter in isolation. Then one day I learned that I would be leaving to go stay at CageFree while a forever home could be found for me. I couldn t have been more excited The staff at CageFree sent me to see a specialist for my eyes. My doctor said that with surgery they could repair the cherry eye and remove the cataract. I would never be able to see out of my right eye but I would hopefully have vision in the left eye once the cataract was removed. I ll tell you my human companions didn t have to convince me to sign up for surgery. I was all in So off I went to have eye surgery and my cataract was removed. At first it seemed like the surgery was a complete success. I wasn t bumping into things anymore and I could see everything perfectly But sadly my happiness was short lived as my caregivers at CageFree noticed that my vision had begun to deteriorate once again. Back to the eye doctor I went for a recheck and it turned out that my retina had detached. I found myself blind once again and this time it s permanent. Also to make matters worse my previously repaired cherry eye popped out again & it was irritating the surface of my eye -- so my right eye actually had to be removed All of that being said I m searching for a special adopter who understands the needs of a blind dog. Someone who will love and care for me like I m part of the family. I ve experienced enough neglect and disappointment in my short life and I deserve nothing but the best from here on out I m a really friendly loving pup who can t imagine anything greater than having a family of my own to give doggy smooches to. Now that all of this past drama is behind me my true personality is really coming out. My human companions have come to realize that I am playful fun-loving and totally endearing. I love to play with other dogs too You will never have a dull moment when I am around. I sure know how to brighten up the day If you think that I am the right fit for your family and your idea of a perfect dog is a great big teddy bear who will love you unconditionally then please contact CageFree as soon as you can I can t wait to find my new best friend Are you the one ... More Info



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