Hey I was 2 beautiful boys that are just turning 12 weeks on Sept. 12 16 . They were born June 20th. Have had 2 sets of puppy shot s and have been wormed 4 times. Their tails are docked and dewclaws removed. The Mom is a Black and Tan and weights about 8 to 9 lbs. Their Dad is also a Black and Tan and he weights about 12 to 16 lbs. If you would like to have both boys I can take a offer for both together. These boys get along great and would be a great pair of each color If you would like one of these or both to join your family please call me at 770-843-6640. Please leave a message if I don t make it to my phone also I can meet in a busy place to save gas and time. Thanks for looking at my Boys and have a Blessed Day for each day is a gift from God .



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