Lilo DCAC - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Meet Lilo and Stitch These two absolutely precious beauties are available for adoption Both are very friendly and lovable. Lilo is more shy and timid than Stitch but Stitch is no less sweet and adorable. They are a bonded pair. If possible we would like to see if they could be adopted together. However if not we would still gladly see them be adopted into loving homes. Lilo (red white - female) is intake number 16-0847 and Stitch (gray white - male) is intake number 16-0848. Specific questions Please email us at ----X(at)---. We cannot guarantee phone messages will be answered in a timely manner so please email (or Facebook message) if you are genuinely interested in adopting Most of the dogs that end up in shelters are mixed breeds that can have 2 to 10 different breeds in their DNA. All of them deserve the chance to be loved for their individual personalities sociability and how they will be with their new owners and other family pets and not judged by a specific breed. The breed listed is only the best guess of the shelter volunteers. The dogs puppies that are posted are available unless it is stated adopted . If one is pending you still may submit an application in case the adoption does not go through. To apply please send an email to ----X(at)--- or fill out our online application here -X ---X.- If you are considering adopting a dog puppy please bring a collar and leash. Adoption fee 95 (cash only - sorry we can not make change) this includes spay neuter first distemper vaccine. Rabies vaccine & heartworm test if old enough. IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING We will make every attempt to contact approved applicants within 5 business days of application submission (M-F) but this will depend on the number of applications received. Please understand that by answering the questions does not guarantee the adoption of the pet nor are you obligated to adopt the pet. We adopt to homes that are best fits for our animals needs and not on a first-come first-served basis. Hours for Adoptions Monday Tuesday & Friday from 5 30pm to 7 30pm. Saturday 10am to 2pm. The Wyandotte Pound is located on 1170 Grove Street (between 11th and 13th) in Wyandotte MI. Thank-you for considering a pound animal there is more information on our homepage as well.... More Info



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