Baconator - Male American Staffordshire TerrierTerrier (Unknown

Special Needs This handsome pup has a neurological issue but that doesn t keep him from being like any other active pup. He is just a little slower in development and tends to get off balance at times. As he ages the issue becomes less and less noticeable. We are hoping that he will outgrow it. If you are that special person looking to care for a special pup this is your guy ---Please call the HSFC at -----X to learn more about this wonderful pet You can also find out how to adopt an animal become a foster volunteer and more by visiting our website at -X -.---XX.-. Also please Like us on FaceBook so you can keep up on all of the events going on. See how you can make a difference in the lives of shelter animals Before being adopted all of our pets will be spayed or neutered microchipped heartworm-negative wormed and current on vaccinations heartworm preventative and flea control. If you are unable to adopt donations are always graciously accepted. Donations to HSFC are tax-deductible as we are a registered 501(c)(3) charity. No out of state adoptions please. Thank you ... More Info



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