Three absolutely adorable tiny Toy female Poodle puppies for sale. They will be ready for their new home on Tues. Sept. 20.Their dew claws have been removed tails slightly docked up-to-date on shots and de-wormings.Included is a life-time guarantee against any life-threatening genetic illness a Health Certificate from a licensed Vet a 3-generation Pedigree from ACA and CKC The puppies are ACA and CKC registered and come with a 3-generation Pedigree. The dad is AKC ACA and CKC registered and has an 8-generation Pedigree. The mom is ACA and CKC registered and has a 5-generation Pedigree.These are quality puppies...NO CROSS BREEDING and NO INBREEDING My babies are raised in my home with much love and attention and NEVER caged They are well-socialized and very smart. Poodles don t shed at all and are hypo-allergenic.For recent pics please text me at 407 924-4693 or call for more info. or e-mail me at tiahunterclark(at)yahoo.com Thank you in advance for your interest in these very special puppies



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