Franzi - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Franzi is a very special girl...She is a small girl weighs 45 lbs and is between 3 and 4 years old.This poor little thing has been through Hell back and forth. She was found 1 year ago by her previous foster mom. She was tied to a tree in thr woods recently had puppies very sick and under weight and heartworm positive.We took her into rescue and made sure she is getting the medical attention she needed.So she had it rough back then.... Thinking she would be safe now with a foster was unfortunately not the case... after the first few months the foster fell off the face of the earth.We were not able to get in touch with her anymore.Until 8 months later. We go notified that Franzi was impounded by animal control since the previous foster mom left her and a cat in the previous home when she moved out. By the time the landlord went in the house Franzi was starved and living in filth and feces.Franzi was released back to us after the first court date the foster mom had to appear.But despite the ride through hell... Franzi is the most happiest dog ever. She is well mannered great with other dogs and all she wants is being loved and touched on.Franzi s adoption fee is 250 which includes all her vaccines heartworm test and treament spay and micro chip.If you would like to meet Franzi please send us an e mail in order to receive an application. DO NOT FILL OUT AN APPLICATION ONLINE We are only able to meet with pre approved adopters by appointment since our organization is operating on foster homes only and we don t have a shelter available to the public.For more pictures of Franzi please visit her facebook picture album by following the link below.-XX -.--XX.- 1421182684777400 photos tab album& album_id 1833835040178827... More Info



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