Batman - Male PomeranianPoodle (Toy or Tea Cup) Mix

Yes we do out of state adoptions. Yes we ship. Batman is located in Orem Utah.. He is 500. Shipping is 350 anywhere within the United States. If you live here locally he can be seen monday - friday between 11am to about 5pm. Batman is a darling pom-a-poo puppy. He s just a little baby so he will need to go through all basic training and be worked with on potty training. So far he is doing great. Please make sure you are a financially stable home and that you have time to devote to a puppy as we see too many families adopt on impulse and then realize it was a mistake because they didn t realize how much work or expensive puppies can be. We have paid for Batman to be vet checked dewormed vaccinated rabies microchipped and neutered him. He is now ready to go.... More Info



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