Simon - Male VizslaLabrador Retriever Mix

3-year old male Vizsla Lab mix around 45 lb. A kind woman who saved him but could not keep him rescued Simon from an abusive and cruel human. This poor boy had a broken leg that was untreated but the leg has healed and he is now getting plenty of love. Simon recently moved from Florida to California with his foster family. In Florida he had the help of some of the best dog behaviorist in the area including Ceaser Milan and has made amazing progress. He is walking well on a leash auto sits knows down and knows stay. This fellow is only missing one thing his forever home. This beautiful boy would do great in most any home with adults or older children. He is good with other large dogs (not sure about cats since his foster people don t have cats). Simon is one smart and loving boy. His first human put him through hell but he still loves people. He so wants to please his person. Simon needs an experienced human who can teach him the behaviors he needs. He is a super sweet boy. He has a lot of energy and would do great with someone who runs or would allow Simon to have an active lifestyle. Simon is neutered has a microchip and all shots. This sweet boy deserves the safety and love of a permanent home where he can learn to trust again.... More Info



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