CAMILLA - Female Chihuahua

United Hope for Animals (UHA) is a volunteer group and does not have a facility for animals. This pet is part of our Shelter Support Program at the Baldwin Park Shelter. For more information about the pet the adoption process or our program please contact the Volunteer Adoption Coordinator listed below. Because animals are adopted rescued daily please also check the United Hope for Animals Facebook page to see if an animal is still available OR call the Baldwin Park Shelter at -----X. When inquiring about an animal please reference the animal s ID number. This will enable the volunteer or Baldwin Park employee to locate the status of the pet. Thank you for supporting rescue. Pet Information CONTACT UHA ADOPTION COORDINATOR SANDRA AT -----X OR AT -----XX(at)--- Description A4989593 Camilla is a timid 10-year-old female Chihuahua who came to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center on September 3rd along with Amber (A4989595) Pelusa (A4989597) Shaggy (--X) and Mia (A4989600) because her owner moved and left their dogs behind. Dainty Camilla weighs in at a mere 5 lbs. All four of these little girls are quite frightened and bewildered by their new situation. However they are cooperative with their handler and are gentle nice little dogs. They don t seem to have had much TLC in their past lives and will blossom in loving homes where they are given the care and affection they crave. ... More Info



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