Frito - Male Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Please read Frito s entire profile before submitting questions or an application. Frito is an adorable young boy that s playful lovable and funny who is seeking a very special home He s physically healthy and doing well now after a harrowing experience in his short life. He was turned into a shelter thinking he was hit by a car. We got him out and straight to a vet for xrays that showed a BB or Pellet lodged in his rear end area. Once he got to us he was pawing at his mouth especially after drinking so we had xrays done of his head. That s when we discovered he had some fractured teeth on the side where he had a scab above one of his eyes. Our vet removed 3 top front small teeth that were fractured and the pulp was good on the upper and lower canine teeth so they smoothed those fractures and sealed them It appears he received some sort of trauma from impact to his little head. We don t know what he was like before and his age is guessed to be over 1 year and under 2 years but he plays more like a 6 month old. This could be from his traumatic head injury and he may or may not move past it. There is no way to tell. He just may truly be forever puppy like. He is not 100% potty trained but likes going outside so just needs to be taken out frequently. He can be afraid of new people initially but with some proper time handling and patience he should grow to love you as much as he does his foster Mom Our home page has information about our rescue adoption process and link to our adoption application -.----.- We are a foster home based rescue and have no facility to visit. Prior to adoption our dogs are spay neutered vaccinated including rabies age appropriate and parasite treated prevented as a minimum. Adoption fee is 200 Click on bone to complete an application. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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