***Gorgeous Home with HUGE Master! Loads of Updates!

Eric Mott Town & Country Realty Services 803-422-0278 1409 Waverly Place Drive Columbia SC Price 98500 Beds 3 Sq.Ft. 1630 Baths 2.5Updates Galore Shows better than a model Wonderful open floor plan with neutral decor throughout. Huge great room opens to dining area and kitchen. This home features new carpet fresh paint brand new appliances including a refrigerator smooth top range microwave and dishwasher. Home also has all new light fixtures new door hardware and so much more Extra large master suite features sitting area large walk in closet and a private bath. Secondary bedrooms are all good sized. Nice flat private backyard - great for the kids Located in a desirable location in award winning school district Close to plenty of shopping and restaurants. One year home warranty



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