Carlee - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Oh hello my new best friend Yes you Or you maybe you over there I want to be friends with all that I meet. I am the definition of a social butterfly and I just can t wait to give you dog hugs and kisses I am sure to be a wonderful and loyal companion for someone. It is probably best if there are no little wee ones in the home for me to accidentally knock over because I get so excited to see you I can t help myself to jump. I really enjoy meeting and playing with other dogs too so if there is a resident dog maybe we will be good pals. I seem overly interested in cats in a non-aggressive way but I just don t get the memo if they hiss and swat at me so it would be best if there were no kitties in my new home for me to harass by constantly following them and trying to bother them. Did I mention how much I love people I may have already but for real people and snuggles is my favorite thing EVER I bet I am going to be a pretty easy going and easy to please new companion for someone so don t pass me up Primary Color Blue Brindle Secondary Color White Weight 50.75 Age 4yrs 8mths 3wks... More Info



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