Oreo Blast B - Female Border CollieAiredale Terrier Mix

Please contact Vickie (---X(at)---) for more information about this pet.Meet Oreo Blast....this describes this girl to a tee not only her colors but she is so sweet docile and just wants to cuddle with you. She has a great nature she is good with other dogs. She wants to be by your side. She is about 1 year old and 33 lbs. she is full grown so no more growing for this girl. Oreo is spayed up to date on vacc. and preventions. ME posted 9 13 16 It is rare that we know with certainty the ages or mixes that make up our wonderful dogs but we do our best to be as accurate as possible based upon our many years in rescue. Adoption 285 which covers quarantine shots worming food medical records spaying neutering and an Alabama State Health Certificate.Transport if needed 120.00 We consider the transport to be of great importance and as such take particular care of the dogs during the trip from Alabama. We make every effort to arrive with healthy and minimally stressed dogs.... More Info



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