Belle ADULT FEMALE - Female Domestic Shorthair

Belle is a shorthaired gray tabby female around 1 year old. She is very friendly affectionate and talkative. She will certainly let you know when she is unhappy- such as anytime she is in a carrier. She is very people-oriented and likes to have lots of attention. She will follow you around meowing until she gets your attention. She gets along well with other animals and is a very social cat. Thank you for viewing our adoptable cats and kittens If you have questions please feel free to email us ---X(at)---XX Our adoption fees are generally 50 to 60 and include spay or neuter vaccinations and combo testing if needed. The first step in the adoption process is to submit an Adoption Application. There is a place on the form to indicate the cat or kitten you are interested in. -XX -X.--X.- 50943302036143 ... More Info



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