Raya - Female PugDachshund Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Hi It s Me Raya I m in a really cool foster home where I get to hang out with Mr. Pugs and a couple of other doggies. My foster Mom calls me her ray of sunshine and that s why my name is Raya. I am a happy girl and have decided that the past is the past and I m moving forward to brighter days. I am about 6 years old a Pug mix with a bit of an attitude. I need a home that is going to understand my attitude and make sure you are ready for my challenges. I m healthy have all of my shots microchipped and spayed I love to be with some people and dogs and would really like to find a family of my very own. Will that be you Please go towww.allmuttsmatter.org and fill out an adoption application which is located under the Adoption Info tab on the left. Hope to hear from you soon. Hugz Raya. Our adoption process is below 1. The application will be processed evaluated and we will contact the vet and personal references 2. All other applications that have been submitted on Raya will also be processed (best suited applicant is chosen not first come first serve) 3. Schedule a home visit and4. Adoption finalized when the best-fitting home is found. Our adoption fee for Raya is 260.00. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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