Toy Australian Shepherd Puppy "Vegas"

Vegas is a petite black tri female with perfect copper accents and 2 brown eyes. This tiny little spit fire is the life of the party Even though she is small she lets her brothers and sisters know that her personality is not. She loves playing and just being by you. She will find any way possible to be with the older dogs or us. She will be a small toy weighing about 10-13 lbs. as an adult. Whelped 12 04 18 will be ready to go 1 29 19. Check out our website for more information about BAM s Rockin Ranch more pictures and videos of our available pups and the Sire and Dam with Champion bloodlines bamsrockinranch.comWe will be delivering puppies to Las Vegas on January 31 2019 for free. Just in time for Valentines



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