Gorgeous Ranch With Loads of Upgrades in Mint Condition!

Eric Mott Town & Country Realty Services 803-422-0278 1725 Ripplerock Rd Columbia SC Price 108000 Beds 3 Sq.Ft. 2004 Baths 2Completely renovated ranch with great floor plan Gorgeous refinished hardwood floors and fresh paint throughout Large formal living and dining room. Updated kitchen with new granite counter tops new flooring and brand new appliances. From kitchen you enter a nice size family room that opens to a large sunroom overlooking a huge backyard Master suite with a completely updated bath with dream shower and walk in closet. The second bath is also updated. Nice size secondary bedrooms. Large walkup attic has plenty of storage. The huge private fenced in backyard with a nice patio area - great for entertaining friends and family This is a must see home



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