Home Remodeling Contractor - 30 Years Experience

Home improvement contractor Elite Home Improvements Angie s List Preferred contractor rated A by the Better Business Bureau fully licensed and insured. See our website for all the details www.homeremodeling-nj.com.We do kitchens baths basements and all home renovations and repairs (carpentry plumbing and electrical). We serve the north New Jersey area primarily but not exclusively to Morris Sussex Warren and Passaic Counties.I began this business in 1989 and I am proud to say that I have a stellar track record and many satisfied customers. I ve never had to change my company name due to a poor reputation like many contractors have had to do. Customer satisfaction is my top priority I work with integrity and expect the same with those who work for me.Contact me via email homeremodelingnj2019(at)gmail.com or click the request appointment button on my website.I look forward to hearing from you for your FREE consultation and estimate appointment



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