Ringo The Rockstar - Male Conure

If you don t submit in one of OUR adoption applications we won t reply back or call. So please do submit your application first. Please no text or phone calls. Delivery is available in most areas of Washington and Oregon. Ringo is an Awesome boy. He talks up a storm and speaks about six sentences. He likes to play-Peek - A-boo he loves showers likes being on my shoulder or a table perch next to me. He loves fresh veggies like Broccoli fresh or steamed. He likes to interact with everybody and play an easy game of tough of war sometimes. He really likes to talk allot. He says Ringo is a Rockstar What cha Doinnng How are Ya Boy Give Me a Kiss You re so funny I LOVE You Peek A Boo game and a dozen other grumbled words he also tries to have a conversation with you at times. If you would like to adopt Ringo with his two cages please submit your online application By just visiting our website to submit your adoption application. Or just copy and paste the link below -X ------X.- applications adoption-application If you don t submit in one of OUR adoption applications we won t reply back or call. So please do submit your application first. Please no text or phone calls. Delivery is available in most areas of Washington and Oregon.... More Info



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