Snuggles - Male MaltesePoodle (Miniature) Mix

This is Snuggles (HWTH 16324A). He is a Maltese Poodle mix DOB 12 26 12. Snuggles weighs approximately 8 pounds and stands 10 inches at the shoulders. His owners have relinquished Snuggles to Halfway to Home because they have a new baby and do not have the time needed to give him the care attention and training he needs. This little guy is aptly named for he likes to snuggle when being held. He may want to be your lap dog and bed buddy if you are so inclined. Snuggles is an affectionate dog and likes to give small kisses. His relinquish sheet states he is loves children and loves to play. He will benefit from positive basic obedience training to help with leash training and the bonding process. Snuggles is good with other dogs and is crate trained. For more information on Snuggles please contact Suzanne at tele -----X.... More Info



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