Doogie Howser - Male Black Mouth Cur Mix

This puppy is located and fostered in Tennessee. Adoption Donation 200 in TN 250 plus transportation fee for out of state adoptions. Get a good look at Doogie Howser because he s one cute and cuddly dude His sleek brown coat and deep dark eyes are a dynamite combo. Doogie is a super playful and fun-loving young puppy. His gorgeous black facial markings and adorable naturally short tail lead us to believe he is a Black Mouth Cur mix. He enjoys playing with other dogs and is up for whatever fun comes his way Doogie is only 3 months old so he is still learning all about house training and walking on a leash but he is sure enthusiastic about trying. If you give this little guy a chance he will spend the rest of his life returning the favor Doogie wants to be your loyal companion.If you are interested in this pet but have questions that are not answered here please fill out our Pet Inquiry Form -X -X-XX.- contact pet-inquiry-form . The first step to adopting is to complete our online Adoption Application -X -X-XX.- adopt adoption-app .THIS PET IS FOSTERED IN TENNESSEE We do list and adopt our pets nationwide so distance is not a problem in most areas. We have a variety of transportation options to bring your new family member to you. Typical transport cost to the northeast is 150 but may be less depending on your location (Due to interstate adoption regulations we are not able to adopt to RI and MA residents.)How To Adopt Adoption Application Pet Inquiry Form Long Distance AdoptionsA.A.R.F. (All About Rescue and Fixin Inc.) -X -X-XX.- is a non-profit 501(c)(3) no kill animal rescue organization located in the Upper Cumberland area of Tennessee. A.A.R.F. is comprised of unpaid volunteers and survives only on public donations. Adoption donations vary and are subject to change without notice. Thank you for thinking adoption first Prior to adoption all canines and felines are spayed or neutered have received their age appropriate vaccinations have been de-wormed for common parasites and have received treatment for prevention of fleas and ticks. All canines over the age of 6 months have been tested for heartworm. All canines are put on heartworm prevention as soon as possible - this means dogs as soon as they are tested negative. Puppies are put on prevention immediately. All felines regardless of age have been tested for feline leukemia and FIV. Each animal receives a health check by a licensed veterinarian prior to adoption. Anything else found will be treated by our organization prior to adoption.... More Info



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