Lena (NY-Richie) - Female HuskyLabrador Retriever Mix

Please contact Richie at -----X (--(at)-------X) for more information about this pet. Interested in this dog Your new pet is fostered in Sherburne NY - Contact Richie (call or text) at -----X or you can email him at --(at)-------X. You can also fill out an application for this dog at -X ------.- We are a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization - A Dogs In Danger Rescue Inc. company. Our dogs and puppies are rescued from high kill shelters and are now available for adoption They have been vaccinated vet checked health certified and dewormed. Hours 8 30am-8 30pm 7 days a week (most holidays are by appointment only) All adopters get 30 days free health insurance (covers solely accidents or illnesses). We provide a spay neuter voucher to our adopters. All of our locations sell crates playpens and starter kits (leash collar food toys treats bowl etc) for adopters. We do same day adoptions. Unfortunately we can not hold a dog unless prior arrangements have been made. We are committed to saving the right dogs for the right people and offering support and education to ensure a successful forever situation for both our dogs and the humans who adopt them. You can find this and all of our adoptable dogs listed on our website -X ------.- - You can view our dogs fill out an application find out more about us including our fosters or simply drop us a line for more information. EastCoastAdoptions.com ... More Info



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