2012 Hyundai Genesis

Solid and stately this 2012 Hyundai Genesis will envelope you in well-designed charisma and security. With a Gas V8 5.0L 307 engine powering this Automatic transmission you ll take joy in the astounding ease with which you command the highway. It is well equipped with the following options Body-color bumpers w chrome insert molding Compact spare tire Leather-wrapped dash door trim Pwr heated front bucket seats -inc 8-way pwr driver seat 4-way pwr passenger seat pwr driver lumbar cooled driver seat driver seat memory electronic active head restraints seatback pockets Hood buckling creases & safety stops Pwr rear sunshade Electro-hydraulic pwr steering (EHPS) Lane departure warning system Warning lights -inc oil pressure battery door ajar airbag seatbelt low fuel trunk lid open brake check engine ABS SACHS amplitude selective damping shock absorbers. Visit Freeman Toyota Santa Rosa at 2875 Corby Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95407 today.



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