Wendall - Male English Spot Mix

Wendall is a very special intelligent bunny learning how pleasurable life can be. Now that he is feeling safe and protected he is venturing out touching noses with the other bunnies in friendly greeting following their lead in joyful air leaping and shyly exchanging soft licks for gentle pets with kind human companions. An inspiring demonstration of COURAGE RESILIENCE AND JOIE DE VIVRE - BRAVO WENDALL He needs a bunny guardian to nurture his budding attempts to win hearts and love. Give him space to play carpets to dance on and time to learn. Lie on the floor and feel his whiskers tickle your chin. Experience the wonderment of living with a happy awesome Wendall being. He has excellent litter box habits. A home with adults teens no dogs is best for him. BUNNIES ARE MAGIC. If you have always wanted to live with a different companion animal meet our adoptable rabbits at BUNNY PLAYGROUND SATURDAYS 2-4 PM. All Sonoma Humane Society rabbits are COMPANION HOUSE RABBITS and MUST LIVE IN THE HOUSE ONLY and kept safe from dogs. Indoor rabbits live 10-12 years and require long-term care and commitment years of love and joy to give and receive. Primary Color White Secondary Color Tan Weight 5.58 Age 3yrs 4mths 2wks... More Info



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