Taleah - Female OtherUnknown

Taleah is an adorable small lion head girl. She had been treated badly prior to coming into the Haven and is so young Only 6 months She is now taking medications for 1.5 more weeks to get well Then she will see her doctor again and can be spayed.Teleah is charming. She loves alfalfa hay Sherwood pellets and she uses her litter box and food and water dishes. She enjoys being held and snuggling and is simply a joy to be with. Loves toys cuddles and playtime. She will qualify for a spay through the Rabbit Haven -Ask about that she comes with oral medications you as person that will give her this for 1.5 more weeks. She saw the doctor on Aug 25th. Saved from Death row at a local shelter. GREAT save This bunny is an angel. Call or come by to visit to find out more and spend some time with this little darling girl.... More Info



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