FEMALE POODLE 6 years old

She is a wonderful loving dog. I am sad that I must find another home for her but I want to be sure she will be taken care of and loved. She is spayed. She is shown in this picture with puppies from a previous litter but she has been spayed. She is American Canine Association registered and has a 3-generation Pedigree. She is up-to-date with her shots including her rabies shot. Copies of her ACA registration Pedigree and medical is are included. She weighs about 8 pounds and stands about 8 or 81 2 tall. She is white with some traces of apricot. She must be the only dog in the house bacause she may fight with other dogs. I would like her to go to loving home where she will NEVER be put in a cage or locked in a room or kept outside. She must be the only dog in the family. I am looking for a home where she will get the love affection and attention she deserves. She likes to go on daily walks and rides in the car. Please call me only if you will truly take care of her and treat her with the dignity and respect she deserves. Thank you. 407 924-4693 tiahunterclark(at)yahoo.com



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