Neapolitan mastiff (A.K.C)

I have a new beautiful litter of Neapolitan puppies on it way they should be here by the beginning of December. The dam is a very nice and big 135Lbs Blue female with light brindle and a white star on chest she huge. The sire is a huge 150lbs Blue brindle. The dam is registered with Akc and the sire is registered with A.K.C. The puppies will be registered with A.K.C Once the puppies are born the pups will go to my local vet. and have tail dock and dew claws removed only on the back legs. I will be taking a 500 deposit only at the start of Three weeks. I want to make sure that I have some strong puppies before I take any money. If your Interested in one of these beautiful pups Please feel free to call or text (at) 267-617-9423 or email (at) Email Me Here. once you pick up your dog you will get A.K.C paper on your puppy and you will get a background on both parents. Photo will be posted of puppies once there born. Thank you for your Time



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