Branson - Male Rat Terrier Mix

Branson is an 8 week old pup looking for his forever home Please fill out an application and his foster mom will contact ASAP We do not have a facility for you to visit. WE PROCESS APPLICANTS AND SET APPOINTMENTS BASED ON THE ORDER APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED so while you are welcome to call (248) ---X or email --XX(at)---- with specific questions you will want to complete the ONLINE APPLICATION ASAP which can be found at -.--XX.- to secure your position in line for one of our dogs. You can also find a description of our process on that same page. Puppies will not be available to be seen until their 10 day quarantine has passed. Our adoption fee is 200 for adults and 275 for puppies which covers the cost of the spay neuter age appropriate shots and tests medications to bring the dog to full health and a free visit with one of our approved vets after adoption. The majority of dogs at CCRC are obtained from animal control centers so there is often very little known about their history or even current habits. You can always expect to do some training regardless of whether you adopt a dog or a puppy including crate training house training and basic manners. CCRC provides a variety of materials and resources to assist you with this as well as telephone support. ... More Info



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