Annabell - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

Hi I m Annabelle I love to play and smile. It s rare that you will ever find me without a big grin on my face and a wagging tail. They tell me that I m just a happy girl Life here at the Adoption Center has been pretty fun. I have made lots and lots of new friends that I get to run around with and play with in the yard every day. The volunteers give me lots of kisses and treats and I have a warm bed to sleep in every night. There is just one thing I am missing to make my life complete. A family of my very own While the volunteers try very hard to give me all of their love and attention I can t wait to have my own family to play with me everyday and give me belly rubs and lots of hugs and kisses. All that I ask out of my new family is that they are willing to play with me every day and will take me on lots or walks or run around the yard with me. I think that would be so much fun Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 38.2 Age 0yrs 7mths 2wks... More Info



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