Beth - Female Australian Cattle Dog

3 -4 yr. spayed Queensland Heeler rescueLittle Beth maybe 23 lbs... female Cattle Dog. Beth looks about 2 - 3 years old. Spayed vaccinated and micro-chipped. Beth came in as a stray to the Visalia Animal Care Center. Stray She s a velcro dog Beth is learning her way at Central Coast Herding Dog Rescue. She s was not crazy about the dogs. So we went on a pack walk. She sticks close by me she could be an only dog but she s definitely not an aggressor so if there s another dog in the home. She ll learn to go with the flow. She was inqusitive of the others once she realized they were not that interested in her if she wasn t interested in them. Naturally First pack walk she stuck so close off leash it was very hard to get photos I felt her nose embedded in the back of my knee but I always knew where she was Photos -XX -.--XX.- media set set a.1769480556601349.1073742333.142837432404530 9& type 1& l bb94c8923eBeth s adoption fee is 300 for a turn key dog To download an application to meet -X ---X.- adoptionprocess.html or email -X(at)----XX Central Coast Herding Dog Rescue is a Rescue Alliance partner a federally recognized 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to finding great dogs great homes. County of San Luis Obispo Animal Service Operating Permit C2649 Thank you for reading and thanks for considering rescue ... More Info



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