M.J - Male Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Cases like mine make it very difficult yet rewarding to work or volunteer at the SPCA. I was emaciated when I arrived meaning I was neglected to be fed what my body needed to keep the weight on I was so frail when I walked through those front doors that day. The clinic quickly discovered I was heavily loaded with intestinal parasites likely the cause of me not being able to keep weight on. A trip to the vet from my previous owner would have saved me from this suffering but that didn t happen until a kind person found me roaming and brought me to the SPCA. My friends here have fallen in love with me and tell me all the time how amazing I am I have never stopped loving people and I am eager to be someone s loyal companion. I am a cautiously outgoing kind of guy I really like to explore but I can startle easily sometimes. I seem to be interested in meeting other dogs so maybe another dog in my new home will help me keep gaining confidence. Spend some time with me and enjoy a nice leash walk with me and see if we are mean t to be together. Primary Color Black Secondary Color Tan Weight 43.6 Age 5yrs 0mths 3wks... More Info



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