Flo - Female Labrador RetrieverBeagle Mix

Introducing Flo We first met Flo and her 7 siblings when they were at a rural shelter in Cleveland Mississippi. Unlike most shelters in the midsouth the director there is wonderful and reached out to us for help when be me facility was reaching capacity . Thanks to generous foster offers we were able to bring these puppies into our rescue family.Flo currently lives with her foster mom who is a Student at Rhodes College. So when Flo isn t starring in Progressive commercials she is romping around the beautiful Rhodes Campus and having play dates with other pups. She is about 9-10 weeks old and is just a perfectly adorable kid-friendly dog-friendly pup.Flo s adoption fee will be 500 and will include all of her vetting (spay surgery up-to-date vaccinations microchip deworming health certificate and transportation from the Memphis to your area via Alpha Dog Pet Transport upon adoption.) Please let us know if you re interested in adding this adorable pup to your family and email us at ------(at)---.... More Info



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