Siren - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.One thing we know for sure Siren is a very lucky puppy. He was found in a very deep ditch and it took firemen two days to get him out of his predicament. No telling how long he had been there before being spotted. A huge thank you to all that helped in his recovery. Obviously it was no easy feat Despite a few scratches here and there Siren is one happy fella. He is very playful and over the top friendly. He has fit right in with the other puppies and is getting along well with the resident dogs. He loves his people most of all. Who can blame him right Siren is a handsome boy who looks like he will be on the larger size when full grown. He will make a great addition to any active and dog savvy family.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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